
Then I told the old lady that she went on, and the old lady also went to call the three turtle slaves for a moment. Both of them met Zhang Zhongxuan in their thirties with a cold face and said, "Liang Zhan and Liang Guang have seen the public."

Zhang Zhongxuan nodded, "Give you two an hour and an hour to find two beautiful women for me. Remember that it is for ourselves." Liang Zhan and Liang Guang should be excused. Zhang Zhongxuan looked at Liang Zhan and Liang Guang’s back and showed satisfaction. Zhao Zifeng has been doing business for many years and […]

Wen Leyang, an egg, has seen it. Although it is not too exaggerated, he is also strong or weak before he walked out of Hongye Forest. Now he is slapped by others and doesn’t even have a chance to resist.

Wen Leyang’s fastest response was that he smashed the past without saying a word, and his body sank in inertia, and his strength was even faster than that of an angry cheetah. When he was in Wenjia Village, no one could escape him as fast as a flash punch. The raccoon dog didn’t bother to […]


Behind Yan Wei, Xie Yun, Jiang Xi, Yu Juefeng and others have also appeared. Seeing the scene in front of them is a flash of startled color! "This should be the center of the Broken Soul Hall!" Dull for a moment, Xie Yun’s eyes flashed with excitement and excitement. "It seems that we are the […]

"Yang Kun, what are you doing? Do you Crouching Tigers want to betray your faith? " Officer dragon, pointing to a black dress person angrily shouted

"Guan Long don’t call me Yang’s an idiot." Yang Kun smiled coldly. "The Bamboo Flower Gang is just an immature baiwenhang. Don’t, I didn’t know you Lin Zhennan were flirting!" Guan Long remained Lin Zhennan while. Suddenly waved his arm and "put an arrow!" Hum! Hundreds of sharp arrows left the string and turned into […]